Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Venterans Day!

Today is veterans day, on a side note it is also my brothers birthday-Happy Birthday Doug! The army has so kindly given Tim the day off, so he is home with us today. We had made plans to go downtown to visit some memorials and go to a museum, but the weather is cold and rainy and we decided to stay home instead. So, of course me being me, I decided it would be a great day for chores. I tasked Tim with occupying the kids while I clean and as I'm elbows deep scrubbing the bathtub I was thinking how great this was that I can get the bathrooms cleaned lickitey split with Tim home! Then I thought back to all the time that Tim has spent over in Iraq fighting this war and I couldn't help but think how thankful I am to have him home-not just today, but every day that he is here and not deployed. He has been deployed for 2 1/2 of the past 5 years leaving for his second deployment when Brady was 6 months old and coming home when he was almost 2--20 months old! It is really exciting for him to be home now to experience all of Graysons first year milestones and not to have to experience them through photos and movies. We have now been together in the same house for a year and a half which is the longest period of time of our 5 year marriage we have been in the same house together! I am now figuring out how handy he is! This guy can fix anything from a lamp, to a bathroom sink to a car! He's amazing! I am so thankful for him to be a veteran twice over but to have had him come home safely to me and our family. I still can't imagine how he could so selfishly put himself in harms way twice and think nothing of it except for that he was "just doing his job". But as I sit here and write this I cannot help thinking that another deployment is inevitable. And I just continue to live in the moment each day we have as a family and continue to be hopeful that we can always be so lucky. What a lucky Army we have to have him serving our country. Have you thanked a vet today?

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