I noticed recently that I haven't posted much about Grayson. Believe it or not he will be 6 months old on November 13th. I can't believe it! He has changed so much in these past 6 months, but one thing has stayed the same...he is such a good baby! He really has made it very easy to go from one to two kids. Some of his favorite things include:
- eating-the kid never misses a meal!
- sleeping-this comes in a close second as he is known to pass up a meal for more snoozing
- his big brother-Brady was the first person to bring out his big belly laughs and he never gets tired of watching him and interacting with him
- his hands and feet
- his exer-saucer
- splashing around in the tub
At this point he has accomplished many milestones:
- rolling over-front to back and back to front
- he has discovered his hands and his feet which are both always in his mouth!
- he can hold onto his toys and play with them now and is in-as Tim calls it-"Operation put everything in my mouth" mode.
- he has his 2 bottom teeth
- he is sleeping in his big boy crib
- he is sleeping through the night-from 8 pm-8 am and has been since 6 weeks!
- he is down to 3 feedings/day and is still nursing
- and most notably started eating solids 2 1/2 weeks ago and is doing awesome! He has rice cereal 2 x/day and apple sauce (made from the apples from the orchard I might add) 3 x/day. At first he didn't like the apple sauce and made a funny sour face and shook his head. But he quickly decided they weren't so bad. Next week we will start vegetables. I'm making all his baby food and got this really cool steamer/blender called Baby Cook by Beaba. I love it! It is so easy!
This past 6 months has really flown by and I just can't believe how quickly they grow up! He is such a love and so much fun to hug, kiss and cuddle and Brady absolutely adores his little brother still! I say little brother, but I must tell you that our little butterball is not so little. This kid is growing by leaps and bounds. He was just in the Dr. for a sty on his eye and they weighed him and was at 16 lbs 12 oz! He has his well baby next week and I am very interested to see where he is at on the growth charts. At 4 months he was in the 75th %-ile for height, weight and head circumference. He is now wearing 9 month size clothes! We keep joking that he is going to be the line backer and Brady will be the quarterback! Haha! So here are some fun pics of our little guy that just haven't quite made it to the blog.
He was only 3 months old here so I didn't have him buckled in. The longer he swang the further he slid down. His arms stuffed behind him crack me up.
I went in to check on him one evening and this is what I found-check out his big toe!
Wouldn't this drive you nutts?! And he just sleeps away!
Cute little outfit from my Aunt Cindy. He was 3 months old here and this is a 6 month outfit.
Hangin out in his football duds watching college football. Go Notre Dame!
He has such a soft heart. Brady was making roaring Lion noises which scared Grayson and made him cry. So cute!
He gets so excited when he gets in his exer-saucer!
Brady was pushing all the buttons and dancing for Grayson and it was just cracking Grayson up!
Hangin out looking cute while brother and Daddy carved pumpkin.
His newest trick in the bouncy seat. He tries to roll over and escape!
Second time in the swings at the park. He giggled and laughed the whole time!
First solids.